Saturday, November 18, 2006

Even a leftwing group "gets it"...

Here's a group that sees the "truth" movement (at least parts of it) for what it is....

A cult....

Kudos to them.....well worth a read...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The unbearable likeness of being...other posters:

One of the problems with the ability for people to have multiple log ins...

This allows truthers to game the system through a process known as "sock puppet voting"

IE:...they post an "article" under one log in....then quicky use other log ins to bump whatever they post to the top of the channel...and thus give it the appearance of credibilty...

I previously busted one such truther using at least two log ins....that truther had been rather quiet as of late...but was very active voting and posting stuff...but no comments... was curious to see if I could find the new log in this person was using to comment...

I posted this last night after seeing that this poster had voted on this truther spun article:

2006-11-15 20:11:35 Zeitgeist
Hey truth_only....who's your new sock puppet?
I notice you havent commented on anything for a while...but you are still voting...
I bet I can find you within two days....

Well...It didnt even take two days...

Here's a post from RomoveBushnow( one of the first log ins I found)

2006-07-27 18:13:03 RemoveBushNow
It's a shame you really have no idea what your talking about!!!
Would have been nice to see something of substance, but what can I expect from someone who does not investigate and look at the FACTS!
You base ALL your information on "Loose Change" it looks like! Then you try to lump EVERYONE who does not think like you as kooks! Loose Change is not perfect and contains many flaws, but the overall information is "relatively" in tact.
Unless you can put together a film that is COMPLETELY error free, then you really have no room to put them down.
Also, if the Government went around "killing" everyone that opposed them then HALF the people in this country would be killed. Letting people put out information gives people like you more belief in the OV and makes you follow the governments line much more, so why would they want to stop that? They can put out some shotty video of OBL and you'll pound on the CT's that this is proof that the government knows what they are talking about.

Here's a post from truth_only:

2006-10-23 15:34:35 truth_only
"Study the construction of the Towers; they were designed to withstand a small plane crash. High temperature will weaken steel; the weight of the above floors caused the weakened structure to collapse upon itself causing a chain reaction. It's very simple."
Sorry!!!!! They were designed to withstand a FULLY LOADED 707, which is actually larger than a 757. It holds more fuel and can go 600MPH versus just 500MPH.
"If it was a missle that hit the Pentagon, then where is flight 77 and the people that were on board?"
That's a red herring question! First the evidence needs to be brought forth, then the pursuit of questions like that can be answered....
Also, please show me where I say that a missle hit the pentagon???? A plane did hit the pentagon, but not flight 77! Where are BOTH engines????? Only ONE was found! Your telling me that the hardest substance known to man, Titanium, jsut evaportized? PLEASE!

And here is the new log in.....busted today:

2006-11-15 23:53:40 Capitaine Danjou
Something this site forgets to mention:
Not just for the US, but all western nations:
Without masses of them living amongst us, we could not be frightened into giving up our freedoms. Even now, our governments are continuing to let them flood in and under the cry of "multi-culture", if we complain, we are racist bigots.
This is an orchestrated event, maybe one or two nations maybe stupid enough to do it, BUT EVERY WESTERN NATION????
And any political movement that trys to stop it are assassinated by the media.
Most can not (or don't want to) believe this is possible. It means their whole world and beliefs are false.
The House of Rothschild is THE subject to research because in doing so you find direct links to control of the governments, finance, religion, media, secret societies and world events.

If this isnt the same person....I'll be a truther...'s a lesson boys and girls...

Trying to mimic being separate people is EXTREMELY difficult...even for those who practice...

You can change your can change how you type...but you cant change they way you think, use vocabulary, use syntax,use grammer, or how you use common phrases...

Notice the use of punctuation...the switching to capitals for emphesis

Most people type the way they talk...I often pause when speaking....even though I'm still on the same trian of thought....and so...that is they way I type...

This person has tried to disguise the use of multiple log ins....but in a stressful situation...they reverted once again to the way they talk and think as a default mode...

I've been a forum moderator on a popular internet gaming site for over 6 years...and I've seen the all these years...I only know of one person who can do this and pull it off....and I still busted him...(in private, because he's cool)...

I'm certain this person has even more registered log ins ,either as yet un-used, or never used to comment...only to vote or post truther articles...

Let that be a lesson to you who-ever-you-are this week....dont frak with the Zeitgeist.


I think I just stumbled upon another log in of this be the judge...dont look at the content of the post itself...look for the pattern noted above...

2006-09-01 18:46:57 Edinbug
You guys think THAT is wild!
Listen to this! Did you know that it WASN'T JUST Bill Screwing Monica? Hillary used to JOIN IN! mmmmm. scuse me, I'm gettin a mental picture. uh uh uh uh.
So where was I.
Oh Yeah. One time ""After the DEED"", Bill, Hillary, AND Monica went over to Vince Foster's house, and they each took turns strangling him. Then they all joined in together. But Vince wouldn't die.
""I CAN"T let you kill me! You'll just play into the hands of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!""
Hillary reportedly said - HA! There's no Right Wing Conspiracy. Only NUTCASES fall for conspiracy theories!
Then it got boring because they all sat around the kitchen table discussing the relative merits of conspiracy theorists and weather they were schizophrenic or bi-polar.
But MONICA started to doze! They shook her awake, strangled Vince Foster and then drove him out to a field.
The next day it was announced that the criminal, Oliver North was a FOX TV personality.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Freak of the week:

Sometimes you run across some so freaky...they deserve dishonorable mention....

The Nutscape freak this week?


Eh.....big deal right?...Not much of a "friend'....just your average freak...

That's pretty much what I thought....until he posted his homepage

Oh man.....shew!

We got Bush family runs drug cartel....freemasonry expose'....illuminatti.....Zionists

Noah's ark....Bohemian just goes on and on...including a slew of links from

*drum roll please*

Alex Jones web ring

And my personal favorite....Vatican assassins.....Woot...who doesnt love those hitmen for Jesus!

After seeing all that.....I'm shocked I didnt find UFO,bigfoot, and Atlantis stuff as well...

Oh...then there is this gem when you find the "back to home" link

"The house of YAH"

Pretty freaky right?.....

Nope.....none of that seems quite freaky enough for dishonorable mention....

Wait!...there's more!

What is REALLY freaky to me is....

I have it on good authority that this guy is a desert storm veteran....

NOW how much would you freak?

I can only hope he's locked away in a VA nutward and someone slipped him a dial up connection.....

Cuz if this freak is running the get the picture....

It's only a matter of time and place till he pops a gasket and goes postal....

This should also serve as a reminder that one should NEVER give out or post personal information on the world wide web unless the person you are sharing it with is trusted...and even then...such information should be brief and devoid of your exact location....

This guy makes Alex Jones look like your average scam artist (which he is BTW)...

Now that is enough freak even for me boys and girls... if this guy isnt on an FBI watch list...he should be...

Remember to keep your arms and legs attached at all times...

Enjoy the ride...

Come again...


**update: BurningFIRE is outa there!**

A screw loose change reader NAILS it cold...

Minadin said... Won't work, most advertisers on those shows are lunatics themselves. Either that or sane people marketing to lunatics.According to Scott Adams's book, The Dilbert Principle:" . . . everybody knows that the general population breaks down this way:

60% People who don't need your product

30% People who have no money

5% People who are nuts

5% People who will buy any damn thing

That leaves a neat ten percent of the population who can be considered likely customers for your product, and that's more than enough to support a business plan. If somebody questions your market projections, simply point out that your target market is "People who are nuts" and "People who will buy any damn thing." Nobody is going to tell you that there aren't enough of those people to go around."I guess that's about asclose as I can get to explaining why some of these nutty media outlets have advertisers.

BINGO!...we have a winner...put your markers down...

This in itself is rather harmless...

The chilling fact is the many hate groups also run the current of the truther movement....

When Johny Jihad seeks to recruit a lilly will undoubtably be a truther...

The only commonality these'll say an underlying hatred of Bush...

Then after induction with a few "truth" videos...this easily moves into hatred of the Govt in general..

After a short time...this expands into hatred of the puppet masters...the "globalist bankers"...aka...the jews...

And then plainly to their fellow citizens who mock or doubt them...*poof*...instant Mcveigh...Just add explosives...

THAT is the real danger my friends...

Ever vigilant.


Lead Admin give truther puppeteers the smack down!

This story has been closed after we discovered several sock puppets / people with multiple accounts voting on it to game the system.

WELL DONE CK!!!!! about you ban those people with a perma ban on their IP addy...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Oh where, oh where have the truthers gone?

I notice that except for a few seems that quite a few truthers dropped off the face of nutscape....

I guess the failure of the GOP to "steal" the mid terms kinda took the wind out of their sails...

aw well...they can allways hope for another terror attack so they can blame the govt again...

I also note a marked rise in anti-semitic comments concerning Isreal...

I'm shocked......not...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

As if nutscape wasnt a big enough playground for whack jobs...

Yeah boys and girls...there a new place for truthers to hang other nutjobs....and freely post their crap..

Lets see...what are the current topics?

New Pages
Add a New Page
9/11 Inside Job
Election Fraud
Iraq War
New World Order (One World Government)
The Federal Reserve
Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
Neo-Conservatives - Neo-Cons
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
Gun Control
Net Neutrality
Militarization of Police
Fluoride - Fluoridation of Water
Media Ownership in America
Council on Foreign Relations
United Nations
War on Drugs
Trilateral Commission
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Loss of Right To Travel
Illegal Immigration (Invasion)
North American Union (
Loss of Habeas Corpus
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Wow....some real free thinking going on there...a whole cornhole copia of intelligence.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

TED RALL....truther in the media....democratic nutcase...

Here we have the best of the truther apocolypse theories all rolled into one article.....and it's carried on YAHOO (big shock)...

Like Cornered Rats, GOP Losers More Dangerous Than Ever

NEW YORK--"My fellow Americans," assured incoming president Gerald Ford hours after the Watergate scandals forced
Richard Nixon' to resign, "our long national nightmare is over."
I'm tempted, in the aftermath of the widest and most stunning electoral repudiation of Republicanism since Watergate, to mark the Democratic recapture of governorships, the House of Representatives (and probably the Senate) as the beginning of the end of Bush's fascism lite, and thus a long overdue vindication of what I've been saying about him since his December 2000 coup d'état.
Back in 2001 and 2002, state-controlled media called me radical. Now, with most Americans seeing things my way, I'm mainstream. Yet I'm more scared now.
"Iraq," I wrote a week before the 2003 invasion, "will probably be Bush's Waterloo." And so it has been: Exit polls found voters more motivated by opposition to the war than any other issue. "There was general revulsion in the country, particularly among Democrats and independents, against the conduct of the war in
Iraq " said pollster John Zogby. "This was, at the grass roots, a referendum against the war and the president. For Republicans, there was significant disappointment about opportunities lost through enormous budget deficits, threats to civil liberties, a failed social agenda, and the war." Although Democrats failed to nationalize the election, Iraq succeeded: a pitiful seven percent of respondents to the latest Gallup survey still want to "stay the course."
A White House controlled by an unpopular, highly partisan lame duck, a rival party majority without enough votes in Congress to override his veto, and the early start of a highly anticipated 2008 presidential campaign add up to one likely result: gridlock. Bush's legislative and military agendas are dead. But our long national nightmare has just begun.
A Frightening New Security State
We'll be cleaning up Bush's mess long after his scheduled abdication on January 20, 2009. But the trillions of dollars in national debt he has run up and his two losing wars will drain our economy for decades to come. We've provoked a new generation of terrorists. Yet even more damaging and nearly impossible to unravel will be the threats to Americans posed by the neofascist national security apparatus the Bushists will leave behind--unless they use it to remain in power.
Shortly after 9/11 Bush began the first of a long series of power grabs that have transformed him from the leader of a country beholden to its people to an authoritarian despot. He signed a secret executive order granting himself the right to declare anyone in the world, including a U.S. citizen, an "enemy combatant"--without proof--and order him assassinated. Violating federal law and privacy rights, Bush authorized the NSA to listen to our phone calls and read our e-mail.
FBI' and CIA and HomeSec goons "disappeared" thousands of people into a horrible new matrix of concentration camps and secret prisons.
On October 17, 2006 Bush signed the Military Commissions Act. The new law, scarcely mentioned in the media, is breathtaking for the breadth of its attack on basic rights. Under the MCA either the president or the secretary of defense may declare you an "enemy combatant"--as usual, without proof. Under that designation you may be jailed, without the right to an attorney, for the rest of your life. You can even be tortured. Your U.S. citizenship can't protect you. And it's all "legal."
Concentration Camps
In January 2006 HomeSec awarded a $385 million contract to Kellogg, Brown and Root, the subsidiary of Halliburton Co., to build "temporary detention and processing capabilities"--internment camps--"in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."
The question, asks Progressive magazine editor Ruth Conniff, "is what is the government planning to do with mass roundups of people?" After all, Bush and other Republican leaders have spent five years calling Democrats and others who disagree with them traitors and terrorists. Following so much hateful rhetoric, you can't blame liberals for wondering whether they too are about to be declared "enemy combatants." They're not paranoid; they're just paying attention.
And Now, Martial Law
About a week ago some left-wing bloggers began circulating rumors that Bush had secretly signed something called the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007" that "allows the president to declare a 'public emergency' and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to 'suppress public disorder.'" I couldn't find the text of the law at the time, formerly H.R. 5122, or a reliable media account, so I decided not to report on it.
I can now confirm the bloggers' account. Bush signed the JWDAA hours after the MCA, in a furtive closed-door White House ceremony. There is, buried deep down in Title V, Subtitle B, Part II, Section 525(a) of the JWDAA, a coup. The Bush Administration has quietly stolen the National Guard away from the states.
Here's the relevant section of Public Law 109-364:
"The [military] Secretary [of the Army, Navy or Air Force] concerned may order a member of a reserve component under the Secretary's jurisdiction to active duty...The training or duty ordered to be performed...may of operations or missions undertaken by the member's unit at the request of the President or Secretary of Defense."
The National Guard, used to maintain order during natural disasters and civil disturbances and the sole vehicle available under U.S. law to enforce a declaration of martial law, has previously been controlled by state governors. They have now been stripped of that control. Thanks to the JWDAA, Bush or Rumsfeld can now deploy National Guardsmen in American cities without obtaining permission from state governors.
Section 526 of the Warner Act goes further still. It states that the "Governor of a State...with the consent of the [military] Secretary concerned, may order a member of the National Guard to perform Active Guard and Reserve duty..." The key word is "may." A governor can no longer deploy the Guard in his or her state without first getting Rumsfeld's permission.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) sounded the alarm during senatorial debate, but U.S. state-controlled media ignored him. The Warner Act, he said, "includes language that subverts solid, longstanding posse comitatus statutes that limit the military's involvement in law enforcement, thereby making it easier for the President to declare martial law...We fail our Constitution, neglecting the rights of the states, when we make it easier for the president to declare martial law and trample on local and state sovereignty."
Only one governor, Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, made a fuss over the Warner Act. A spokesman for the National Governors Association requested a wimpy "clarification" concerning what circumstances might prompt Bush to impose martial law. As far as I can determine this column marks the first time the JWDAA has been mentioned in the mainstream media.
Now the dark men who engineered America's post-9/11 police state have watched the public reject their policies. The incoming Democratic majority Congress will be able to hold hearings and launch investigations that could lead to their indictments and removal from office. John Dingell, the liberal incoming chairman of the Commerce Committee did nothing to dissuade GOP fears of "a blizzard of subpoenas": "As the Lord High Executioner said in 'The Mikado,'" Dingell recently joked, "I have a little list."
A year of crisis commences.
As ugly secrets surface, Bushists will turn desperate. Democracy has failed their grand schemes; token resignations like Rumsfeld's come too little, too late. Only tyranny can save their skins. Will the beleaguered neocons led by Cheney and Bush, cornered like rats, unleash their brand-new police state on their political opponents? Or will they tough it out and suck up the fines and prison sentences to come? The next year or two could go either way.
The nightmare is not over.
(Ted Rall is the author of the new book "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?," an in-depth prose and graphic novel analysis of America's next big foreign policy challenge.)

Note to idiot:...Rummy is gone.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I promised I'd show you links from truthers to neo-nazis.....and I allways deliver on a promise:

Well boys and girls....sorry for the distractions...the mootbats were out heavy on nutscape tonight..and I love watching moonbats...

The truthers have been hawking "loose change" as "evidence" of the grand conspiracy by the "globalist bankers" to start an "endless war"....

Loose Change is filled with screen grabs of newspaper headlines that mention things like missing planes and bombs at the World Trade Center... but all of those shots are from the American Free Press...
If you scoll down...on the right you'll see links to...
Tada...christian identity... a well known neo-nazi white surpremisist movement...
AFP also links to....
Click that link and see what you find...

Thats right..christian white supremisists...again

Nows that just three quick links..took me all of about 5 minutes to find them...
I have hundreds of such links to the "truth" movement...

If you're a truther and reading this....You may not personally be an anti-semite.... (yet)
but you cannot claim that THESE groups arent...

You are standing hip deep in the new american nazi movement...and dont even realise it...

No matter which truther site you visit....with in two to three links at a white supremisist group, anarchist group, or some other upstanding civic minded organisation..

And they are gaming nutscape to recruit more followers.

From my observations based on thread participation by truthers since nutscapes launch of the news portal...they have grown exponentially...going from just a few "truthers" hundreds of them....and hundreds more converts...

I've seen the statement more than one time from a convert " I didnt believe this 5 years ago....but now I see the truth"

Yeah.....nazi parties arent born in a day....

Friday, November 03, 2006

A sock puppet is truther sites get followers to vote on truther articles:

Here it is...a smoking gun per se:

Please take 1 min. to sign up for a Netscape account to vote for "Todays story". Then it will only
take you one click with your mouse to help spread the truth. Todays story to
vote for:
America: From freedom to fascism A must watch - Aaron Russo takes
things way further than Michael Moore and proves that the there is nothing in
the tax code that says you have to pay tax on your labor. Revealing how the
international bankers are the ones who run the world, and how they create their
money from thin air. Amazing and substantiated film about the decline of
political honesty.
Click here to Vote and watch the video.After voting click the
"Visit Site" button to watch the video, or watch it directly here.
By voting you help getting important news like this out to the people as it may
get a good ranking at Netscape's
Sign up and vote now, and you will also be able to vote for other
important news that will be featured here.

I dont know how much more plain I can make it...truther sites ask readers the register and to vote for truther stories posted on nutscape....

Truther sites have found nutscape to be fertile ground for recruitment into their movement (and sell more books and DvD's)....

On a positive note:

There has been some positive action on sock puppet voting by one of the navagators when notified....there may yet be hope...

On a negative note:

It has come to my attention that there has been a flurry of bannings on known conservatives...and thus..every post they have ever made...

One can only hope that these bannings are soley for violations of nutscape terms of service ...but without the abilty to review said can one really know?

I hope this isnt a concerted effort to shade the leanings of posted comments in order to influence casual readers less than a week before the mid term elections...

Basicly..without knowing who banned these members....or what they were banned can only guess....

**update....Lead admin "gets it"

C.K. Block To: Zeitgeist
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have to figure out the best way to broach dealing with this. I'll get back to you after we decided the best way.

There is hope yet...**

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tonights truther sockpuppet show:

The lie that just won't seem to die: Jews behind 9/11

An excellent primer of how the truther movement parrots the jihadist retoric...yes...and even nazi two ways about it...if you're a truther...either you..or one of your allies...are anti-semites....whether YOu think so or not...

*from the article*
The purveyors are an eclectic aggregation that spans the geopolitical spectrum. They include neo-Nazis and other white supremacists in the United States and elsewhere; anti-government zealots; young anti-war activists; Holocaust deniers; Lyndon Larouche supporters; New-Age ideologues; propagandists and journalists within the Arab and Muslim world; and assorted devotees of the early-20th-century forgery, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which purports to document a Jewish plan to dominate the world.
Efforts to connect the Jews with 9/11, however, are not limited to fringe groups talking with one another. Contributors to Wikipedia, the popular and influential online encyclopedia, have tried repeatedly to insert anti-Jewish 9/11 theories into Wikipedia's pages and represent them as fact or at least plausible versions of reality, according to Berlet.
The insertions - which represent one of countless pieces of potentially suspect information submitted to Wikipedia almost daily - have been promptly excised by the encyclopedia's volunteer editors, says Berlet, himself a Wikipedia editor, "but it requires constant attention."

*end excerpt*

Too bad nutscape wont take a cue from wikpedia and purge their system of truthers...and anything they have posted....

This is required reading your homework...dont be a dunce...

Be well...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Todays hindsight...aka...over react?...who me?...

I'm never one to delete my words....good or bad they stand for others to judge...and I dont Think it's honest....when your foot has been in your mouth...dont kiss the wife without brushing your teeth...

I do however from time to time , after some reflection.....need to change a position or modify a previous statement...

So here's goes...


I now think it more likely, that the hate that runs rampent on nutscape may be more due to the sheer volume of posts generated...and the ratio of the number admins, to the 70,000 registered users...rather than to an air of permissiveness....or acceptance....and I have conversed with one of the mods and found them to be indeed quite concerned with the content posted and the enforcment of the TOS agreement....

This is not to say that what truthers post there is in any way acceptible...but rather ...that I can now see how such volume of postings allows the truthers to slip in their hooks and recruit...or post hate that goes un noticed....

With only 7 admins and 16 mods...they are simply overwelmed...I'm still suspect of a couple of them....but it IS possible...that in my haste to find evidence...I may have overlooked some of the circumstances... who sounds like a truther?

Not me...a truther would never, once far along the path, stop and re-evaluate their position on need to reconsider what is a foregone conclusion....

Well...I have had to stop and re-evaluate my position....I do not yet find it completely lacking...nor do I find it's more of a "the jury is still out" position...

I'll update the posts below to reflect the intrest of fairness...

The jury is still out...

Der Zeigeist...unbanned...

CK has proven his metal as a lead admin:

Hi, Zeitgest,One of your comments was evidently quoting one of the people you were trying to out and you had posted it to 3 different threads, so it showed up as spam. I'll unblock your account. You can email me at ck at new netscape dot com.Cheers,C.K

Outted: Navagator Ousama anti-semite? or just indifferent? or over worked?

Ousama posts this story:

Which then draws the jew haters like flies to cow dung....

And article posted by this navagator....draws anti-semite comments and outright hatred of NEVER moderated by the navagator who posted it in the first place....

Almost 3 months later these vile statements have not been removed?

Are we to believe that after posting the story...and seeing comments made to it...that he never went back to see what the comments were?

Not once?

How many times have you posted a thread and never went back to see what people had to say about it?

I'll tell you how many times I have so in 6 years.....ZERO.

You do the math.

** while all of the above is still true...There may yet be one other IS that I grasp the amount of traffic on nutscape...that he in fact never got to review the thread after posting it....again...highly suspect..becuase at that time there were NOT 70,000+ users.....but it's not hard evidence...again...the jury is still out...the title has been modified to reflect this**